Ghosts of Culloden Moor 13 - Kennedy Read online

Page 9

  “Aye?” She suddenly grew nervous realizing that the man’s ghost was, at that moment, somewhere on the far side of the cottage. “I doona wish to see him.”

  Soni frowned, then strode to the bench to have a quiet word with her uncle. After a moment of fervent discussion, the witch straightened, the man eventually nodded, and the lass came back to grin at Nessa.

  “Like I said, Ross is next. And I could use a hand with him, if ye must know.”

  Nessa didn’t understand. “A hand with him?”

  The girl shrugged. “Ye’ve waited all this time to move on, Nessa Kennedy. I’m asking if ye’d like to wait a wee longer…and lend a hand with Ross’s quest.”

  “Will I see him again, then?”

  “Auch, aye.” Soni’s eyes flashed with mischief.

  She shook her head. “I think… I prefer he remembers me as he will.”

  The witch’s mouth dropped open.

  “I told ye,” sang Wickham.

  Soni cast the man a frown and tried again. “Ye found yer peace, Kennedy. Ye wished for yer brother and yerself to see eye to eye, and though he never came around to your way of thinking, ye came around to his. In the end, it was the same wish. But remember, it was Ross who helped ye to see through Jacky’s eyes. I only thought ye might be able to repay him somehow.”

  “I’m grateful. But no. I will not force my way into the man’s heart, aye? Let me be.”

  Soni folded her arms and clicked her tongue. “I never thought I’d see the day when Nessa Kennedy turned coward.”

  Nessa shook her head and turned away. She dared not go far for fear of drawing ghostly attention. But the flare of temper she expected, from being called a coward, never came. And she returned to Soni with a smile.

  “Call me Assa.” She shrugged her shoulders and appreciated the fact that a weight was now missing from them. “My need for vengeance is behind me. Assa will serve me just as well.”

  Soni tilted her head to one side and grinned. “That’s fine, then. Fine. But I wonder…”


  The witch shook her head. “It wouldn’t be fair to goad ye into a fit of jealousy. Never mind. I’ll send ye on to the peace ye’ve earned—”


  Soni shrugged. “Well, Ross will soon be on a quest for a noble deed…”


  “And there is sure to be a woman involved—”

  Nessa’s chest constricted. “What woman?” The bedroom at Dunvegan House came to mind. And kissing. And sitting on laps. But the woman she now envisioned sitting acroos Ross’s knees was not her, and something powerful and primal filled her lungs.

  Soni shrugged again and wouldn’t look her in the eye.

  “What woman?”

  “Now, Assa, I shouldn’t have goaded ye—”

  “The name is Nessa. Now, tell me. Who is she to Gerard Ross?”

  Soni laughed. “It’s not like I can tell the future, can I? I might read a mind or two, on occasion, but—”

  “I’ll do it.” Nessa knew she’d been manipulated, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t about to let Gerard go out into the world with all those women touring the country, hunting for their personal versions of the famous Jamie Fraser. Not if she was given the opportunity to protect him.

  Soni put a hand behind her ear. “Pardon?”

  Nessa took a deep breath and forced the words through her teeth. “I’ll do anything it takes.”

  With her face lit and her eyes flashing, the crafty witch glanced briefly at her uncle, then at Nessa. “Funny ye should say it like that…”



  If you mention this book on Facebook or in a review anywhere, please please please don’t let anyone know that Kennedy is a woman, or that Gerard is her hero. If you enjoy discovering secrets, be sure to let the next reader be surprised too. Feel free to talk about the hero and heroine, but without giving names. Thank you!

  Next will be LIAM’s story, by Diane Darcy. GERARD will soon follow.

  If you want to read Wickham’s insane story, What About Wickham, you can find it here.

  Links for the other ghost romances can be found on the book list page.

  Sign up for my newsletter at to be notified when all the ghosts get their turn. And if you care for any of Culloden’s 79, be a sport and leave a review.

  The lads have a website.

  And they have a Facebook page.

  Seriously, thank you for playing!

  About the Author

  L.L. Muir lives on the Utah side of the Rocky Mountains with her husband and family. She appreciates funny friends, a well-fed campfire, and rocking sleepy children.

  A disturbing amount of tomato soup was consumed while writing KENNEDY.

  If you like her books, be a sport and leave a review on the book’s Amazon page. You can reach her personally through her website— , or on Facebook at L.L. Muir.

  Thank you for playing!

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